
Posted by Dean Caravelis |

Have you seen the Social Network? Mark Zuckerburg has. It is a movie about a geeky college kid that (allegedly) steals an idea and takes it to the next level. Who would have thought that internet domination would be the […]

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Post About Nothing

One of our favorite shows was a “show about nothing”; Seinfeld. So we decided to do a post about nothing. Okay, it’s actually about something (kinda). Recently, we wrote about creating a buzz & we wanted to see if a […]

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If You Build A Buzz, They Will Come

Creating a buzz. This is what promotions are all about. This is what marketing is all about. To some, this is what life is all about! Creating a buzz can get more people to hear about your products/services, attract more […]

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November 2010 Product Showcase

Click here to download this month’s product showcase pricing and information..

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Promotionally Correct

Ever wonder how politics and marketing mix? Here is incite that we learned from an ASI study that we thought you’d find interesting: Republicans like food gifts, Democrats prefer logoed pens and independents might scoff at anything less than a […]

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Eco-Card Wheel

This eco-card wheel states “My Trusted Resources. This card wheel contains my Trusted Team Of Professionals. Please mention my name!”. It is intended to contain business cards from your endorsed team of professionals (in non-competitive categories) that you would like […]

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Little Huge Things

A few days ago at the Post Office (USPS) I found a tote bag stuffed into my PO Box. I couldn’t figure out how it got there until I realized that I probably forgot it earlier in the week when […]

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Refer me, please

Ever run into someone that tries to close you on their products/services right after you meet them (even if you’ve shown no interest)? There’s really no bigger networking turn-off. If this happens to you then you will probably think: “This […]

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80/20 rule, law of the vital few, principle of factory sparsity…or “Pareto Principle“; they all mean the same thing. Named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed in 1906 that 80% of Italian land was controlled by 20% of the […]

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Shotgun vs. Sniper Marketing

Ever hear someone say that? “Looks like we’re going to need a shotgun approach”. This means that you are looking to spray a lot of pellets and hope that something hits. The flip side would be having a “sniper approach” […]

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