Multisensory Magic: Engaging All 5 Senses with Experience-in-a-Box

Posted by Tori Simmons |

With Experience-in-a-Box, we transform ordinary packages into sensory adventures! Whether you’re gifting, promoting your brand, or making a memorable impression, engaging all five senses is key. Let’s dive into how you can create an unforgettable Experience-in-a-Box that delights and surprises! […]

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The Secret Sauce of Pop-Up Shops: Tips and Tricks

Let’s cut to the chase: most company merch stores are, well, not great. Why? They’re often filled with the same old branded stuff, lacking in excitement and flexibility. And don’t even get me started on the headache of managing inventory […]

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Color Me Impressed: How Color Choices Can Boost Your Brand

Let’s talk about something that’s often overlooked but super powerful in our branding efforts: colors. Vibrant hues on products do a lot more than just look pretty, they play a massive role in how people perceive and engage with our […]

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Where did LEAP get its name?

Blezoo has a VIP trade show that we do once in a blue moon called “LEAP.”  It’s a way for clients to have a fun time engaging with new products & connecting with our team. Clients have found great success […]

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Top Promo Picks for 2024

Our team routinely attends industry tradeshows to stay educated on the best and brightest in promotional products. New items, improved printing capabilities, and beyond! Being around promotional products as long as our team has, it takes something extraordinary to catch […]

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