Multisensory Magic: Engaging All 5 Senses with Experience-in-a-Box

Posted by Tori Simmons |

With Experience-in-a-Box, we transform ordinary packages into sensory adventures! Whether you’re gifting, promoting your brand, or making a memorable impression, engaging all five senses is key. Let’s dive into how you can create an unforgettable Experience-in-a-Box that delights and surprises! […]

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Elevate Your Holidays: 3 Unique Ideas for Memorable Mailers

Whether you’re looking to thank your donors, celebrate your clients, or recognize the hard work of your employees, the end of the year is the best time to show gratitude with a holiday gift. The right gift helps you form […]

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3 Mind-Blowing Stats That Prove Direct Mail Rules!

Digital Marketing experts have found that in just ONE day, Americans are exposed to 4,000 – 10,000 pieces of advertisement. With so many digital and physical marketing channels, it can be very difficult to capture the attention of your audience. […]

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Engaging Your 5 Senses with Experience-in-a-Box

Sense #1: Hearing 👂 One way we like to include sound in an Experience-in-a-Box is with a sound tube. It allows you to play an 8 second audio clip that plays once the box is opened. You could play a […]

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A Nested Development: What is a Nested Experience?

Why ship just 1 box when you can send many? Yep, that’s what a Nested Experience is. We’ve literally nested multiple boxes within a master box. Kinda like Russian Nesting Dolls (or Matryoshka dolls… or Babushka dolls… whatever you prefer)! Here’s […]

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How HR Pros Can Engage, Retain & Recruit in the Age of Remote

Learn how we can transform your employee engagement, retention & recruitment efforts with Experience-in-a-Box!

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