Promotional Intelligence Blog
Thank you!
Thanks for signing up for our newsletter. We’ll be in touch soon (but not too frequently, just the right amount!). You should have a confirmation e-mail in your inbox………right now. Please make sure to click to confirm your subscription in […]
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People As Brands
Remember when everyone was anonymous online? Most people used funky aliases that combined nicknames, interests & numbers. This was the same for your AOL chat name all the way to your e-mail address. Nowadays there is a much different dynamic […]
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Next Action?
Recently I blogged about hyper-relevance and how this might be the big year of the unsubscribe & defriend. Okay, so you’ve read the blog and began reducing the noise. Now you have the focus to be able to work on […]
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I Built It, Will They Come?
Somebody told me the other day that their client had a budget to “build the establishment but doesn’t really have much budgeted for marketing”. I guess they believe in the old saying you always hear, “If you build it they […]
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Your phone is buzzing with an alert notification, everyone from high school has found you on Facebook & you already followed a ton of people on Twitter so that they could follow you back. Will 2011 be the year of […]
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Have you seen the Social Network? Mark Zuckerburg has. It is a movie about a geeky college kid that (allegedly) steals an idea and takes it to the next level. Who would have thought that internet domination would be the […]
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Post About Nothing
One of our favorite shows was a “show about nothing”; Seinfeld. So we decided to do a post about nothing. Okay, it’s actually about something (kinda). Recently, we wrote about creating a buzz & we wanted to see if a […]
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If You Build A Buzz, They Will Come
Creating a buzz. This is what promotions are all about. This is what marketing is all about. To some, this is what life is all about! Creating a buzz can get more people to hear about your products/services, attract more […]
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November 2010 Product Showcase
Click here to download this month’s product showcase pricing and information..
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Promotionally Correct
Ever wonder how politics and marketing mix? Here is incite that we learned from an ASI study that we thought you’d find interesting: Republicans like food gifts, Democrats prefer logoed pens and independents might scoff at anything less than a […]
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