Somebody told me the other day that their client had a budget to “build the establishment but doesn’t really have much budgeted for marketing”. I guess they believe in the old saying you always hear, “If you build it they will come”.

The reality is that just getting the doors open doesn’t mean people will arrive. You have to create a buzz & give people something to talk about. Especially if you are building your own name and not franchising or licensing. You can make the tastiest burger or give the best massage but if you can’t grow your business quickly enough to survive then it won’t be around for word-of-mouth to run its course.

Promotional products & social media are a great way to instigate the buzz – especially when you are providing an awesome service or product. People talk about things they love – give them a reason & a forum! Whenever I mention that I work in Marketing and Promotional Products, people usually tell me about the marketing idea or promotional product they received that left an impression with them. This is why social media & ad-specialty items are the perfect fit for offline-and-online synergy.

So, are you creating a buzz? Or are you just building it and hoping they will come.
Click here for your promotional lifeboat.