Since we have been talking about re-branding a lot lately, I wanted to share with you my take on the book ‘Blink‘ by Malcom Gladwell. The book explained how thin slicing information is often the most reliable way to intuitively assess things & make decisions. This is contrary to the corporate culture of ‘paralysis by analysis‘ and selectively framed contextual arguments. Gladwell argues that your “gut” can be a great tool..if you use it properly. For example, I remember walking into an attorney’s office in Europe a few years back and seeing everyone working on brand new iMacs. My immediate reaction: We are getting ripped off. Guess what? I think we got ripped off. I would imagine around the same timeframe if I walked into a Graphic Design studio and I saw everyone with brand new iMacs my reaction would be: “Let’s work with these guys, they are cutting edge”.

I thin sliced the information based on the context, and this is what I am going to be giving tips about today.

People are always going to be thin slicing your brand and thin slicing you. Here are some ways to help you sweeten up that slice:

Have an e-mail address that is and not This is part of the first impression and it certainly adds legitimacy to your company.
Ask 3 ‘non-yes-men’ marketing professionals what they honestly think about your logo. You should really find out the truth.
Show up early, follow-up and do what you say you are going to do. These may sound fundamental but not many people have the discipline to execute.
Professional looking business cards. This is your first promotional leave behind, make it stand out & represent your brand properly.
Look the part. Always.
Receiving referrals. No wonder referrals are closed over 50% of the time – it is instant credibility!
Give referrals. It makes your network look even bigger when you can give a great referral.
The power of scarcity. Less is more, I will leave this one open-ended.

Can you think of other ways to control how other people thin-slice you? Let us know!

Blink :: Malcom Gladwell