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Do you need help with logistics?

We can fulfill a solution for this!

Several years ago, a client asked us to deliver products to their office so that they could receive, unpack, kit them together in a new box & ship themselves. A few days later, we got a phone call that went something like this, “Help! My office is a disaster & we’re in the weeds. I’m never going to do this again. I need your help.” And so, our first fulfillment program was born. By listening to our customers’ pain points we continue to develop frictionless solutions. Here are our core services:

Let's connect

I promise it will be fulfilling.

Turnkey solutions we offer.

  • Receiving & unpacking shipments from various vendors.
  • Assembling all of your promotional materials into new packaging.
  • Coordinating drop shipments to hundreds, if not thousands, of locations.
  • …and if you even want us to handle the big idea behind your initiative? We can help you with that, too!

Who needs this?

Even organizations who have the space to handle large scale fulfillment often elect not to take it on. Since Blezoo only focuses on the niche of promotional products & apparel tackling these logistics is totally in our wheelhouse. This allows for you to focus on your day to day business and we’ll take care of the behind the scenes hustle and bustle to get your packages out.

How do I get started?

Contact us and let’s talk about your project. We’ll give you our opinion on the best way to achieve your objective. Due to the complexity of the projects we’ve taken on, there’s a good chance that we’ll be able to solve your challenge!

Victoria D.

"We had a REALLY tight deadline to create packages to ship to our employees and Blezoo team knocked it out of the park. From conception, to design, and delivery the response rate of their team and customer service was incredible. Our employees LOVED their packages!"

Victoria D.

Mount Pleasant, SC

Allison W.

"From providing affordable, high quality options to creating an ever-evolving streamlined process to help address our specific ordering and fulfillment needs, each request has been handled with care. Thank you Blezoo for all you do! We can’t wait to continue to grow with you. Your partnership and friendship means the world to us!"

Allison W.

Advanced Recovery Systems
Orlando, FL

Justin J.

"I've used Blezoo for a few projects at our startup. Most recently, they helped me assemble a killer New Hire Kit that will be shipped to team members just before they start. I can't wait for our projects to get bigger and better as we keep growing!"

Justin J.

Orlando, FL

Let's Work Together

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