How do you select a promotional product?

There’s no exact science but this check list should help you with the basics from easiest to determine to hardest.

1. Set your delivery date.

This will dictate what is available. There are large quantity jobs that require 12 weeks for delivery if you want the best price. On the other hand, you might need something delivered in 1 week! It can be done, but you need to know the absolute delivery date in order to search for what is available.

Tip: Factories often charge rush fees for super fast delivery. Plan ahead of time for the best price.

2. Establish a budget.

You need to know what you can spend otherwise it is very difficult to narrow the search without wasting time. By establishing the budget you are also able to quickly compare different options to see which one is the best fit.

Tip: “As cheap as possible” means you haven’t established a budget.

3. Know your branding objectives.

Context is everything and knowing your objectives will help determine which promotional product can hit the target. Are you looking for a product that has a call to action? Are you re-branding yourself and trying to get consumers to think about you differently? Is the product purely a branding mechanism for your fans?

Tip: Given the same budget, I’d rather give away 250 units of a product that speaks exactly to who I want to speak to – instead of 1,000 units to anyone & everyone.

4. Create a buzz.

You need to give people something to talk about otherwise your brand will just get lost in the crowd.

Tip: Contact Blezoo. We will make your marketing life easier. 407-841-8844 or info at