This eco-card wheel states “My Trusted Resources. This card wheel contains my Trusted Team Of Professionals. Please mention my name!”.

It is intended to contain business cards from your endorsed team of professionals (in non-competitive categories) that you would like to refer to someone. Ideally, it contains a team of individuals you pass referrals back and forth with. By all carrying these card wheels it allows you to bring new clients into your sphere of influence by proactively distributing them.

The presentation implies a level of sophistication and the product, a card wheel made of recycled materials, is green and mean when it comes to elevating your perceived value.

Let’s think about what the eco-card wheel implies to others:

– I am a resource to you.
– I would like to bring you into the fold with my trusted team.
– My company is eco-friendly.
– I’m sophisticated in my networking approaches.
– Marketing is important to me.
– I cultivate relationships.

Since we introduced this concept, we have been getting inundated with calls daily for the card wheels purely through word of mouth. So, we decided to blog about it in order to get the word out to our blogosphere. If you are interested in a purchase for your networking groups, or if you have an idea and what to make a customized eco-card wheel, please feel free to contact us!